About Me

Hi I’m Kristen!

In one year went from being unhappy and broke, living paycheck to paycheck, sharing a bedroom in a tiny apartment and worked at a desk job that drained my soul.

Now I have manifested a life beyond my wildest dreams. A life where I get to travel the world, live in luxury villas, make what used to be my yearly salary in weeks, and feel genuinely fulfilled for the first time in my life. Now I want to help you get where you want to go through the power of manifestation.


About My Journey

I knew I was here to help people, to improve lives, to be the best version of myself. And yet, I was waking up every day confused, with no direction, feeling uninspired and unconnected.

My relationship with money was an anxious mess, and my bank account was proof.

I was the queen of excuses and procrastination.

I was STAGNANT and completely miserable.

I had tried everything to change my life and nothing was working - I moved across the world, I started and left multiple careers, I started & failed in multiple online businesses...

Then I began to dedicate my life to learning manifestation. I invested in my very first manifestation course (using my rent money, which left me with $200 left in my bank account) and it changed my entire life!

I have since manifested the life of my wildest dreams in a matter of months since beginning my manifestation journey. I quit my job, attracted prosperity & a 6 figure business, moved into my vision-board villa in Bali, living immersed in my purpose, followed by Hawaii, Costa Rica & now Miami.

I have now invested more than $150k learning all of the manifestation secrets and want to give you the growth that took me years & thousands of dollars to learn.

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